Monday, August 16, 2010

Beezy & Izzy

Beezy and Izzy. Pals -- most of the time. On this particular day, Cal took his afternoon nap while me and Bee played outside. She is, and always has been, so happy being outside. She especially loves popsicles. She figured out that if she sat in the very middle of the pool, she could safely eat her popsicle without Izzy trying to get a lick too.
These pics I took capture a few of the little details I want to remember about her at this age. Her love of BandAids. (Hello Kitty this time.) Her mismatched, chipped nailpolish. How she always manages to make a mustache out of whatever she's eating. Her crazy little ponytail that was always so messy. (We've since chopped it off and gone back to her usual short bob.) How she's such a skinny mini that even her bathing suit is saggy. She's our spunky girl. She loves to get dirty and gets kinda rough at times, but will choose a "pretty dress" (as she calls it; no matter how simple it really is) over anything in her closet - anytime.
I love her so.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lola loves those bandaids, sorry that I buy her so many because I know she hates to take them off. And how she loves her pedicure even if they don't last long love that girl!