Sunday, July 27, 2008

Where to Pick Berries

Okay, I should have mentioned this in the last post about berries. However, I honestly thought that most of you would get bored with the post and quit reading. (It was kinda wordy.) Boy, was I wrong! Kinda makes me feel good... :)

I like to go to Toomey's Thornless Blackberry Farm to pick my blackberries bc it's close to my house and they're just so friendly. I highly recommend them. Their blackberries always make my cobblers so sweet and de-lish.

Here's a link to a Tulsa World article with info on lots of pick-your-own-berries places.

I'd like to check out Thunderbird Berry Farm in BA bc they offer all kinds of berries, but just haven't had the chance to go yet.


Cassy Russell said...

I can't believe you have a blog!! Fantastic job. You need to help me create one. Miss you lots!

amanda torres said...

Thanks! When it's not the temperature of hell outside, I'll be visiting one of the berry farms!\.