While nearly all of our possessions are in boxes stashed at various family members' houses and our small storage unit, we've had no choice but to adapt to living daily with the absolute bare minimum each day. We've got one pot, one skillet, two kids' cups, kids' bowls, a crockpot, and our silverware. For a family who eats at home 85% of the time, it's been a little tough to not just whip up supper so easily. Paper plates have been an adjustment!
However, KJ and I admit to actually enjoying it. It's been a little liberating to be free of so much "stuff." I am not a pack rat, therefore we didn't have much clutter to begin with, but it's been kinda nice to walk into our closet and only have a few outfits to choose from; one cabinet drawer in the kitchen with all of our pots & pans; lots of empty drawers.
I get my hair cut downtown at Ooley's, which is next door to Mrs. Dehaven's flower shop. They give away lots of flowers to the salon, so I grabbed one on my way out the door. The chicken broth can was the best I could do for a vase once I got home. It's actually inspired a new craft project for me.
And, of course, since all of my bakeware is packed up, I was forced to buy chocolate chippies this morning at Panera. What kind of mom would I be if my kids didn't have a cookie after lunch?! jk Okay, so really the cookies were more for me, but I knew they'd love them too.
We love you guys! It brings back so many memories of moving. Living with a little is pretty cool, but I got annoyed with the same outfits after a while. But then again, I did the same outfits for 3 months at the FIL's house...not very smart. I cannot wait to see the new house and that STOVE!!! Seriously, if you need help moving we would LOVE to help out. If you're like me, and don't want help unpacking (I am WAY too anal to let someone put my kitchen together), we can just help unload or load trucks. STeven's great with heavy stuff!
only you would come up with a can for a vase. now Justin has only a few plates so you will be washing all the time or paper plates are still available. Hopefully it won't be long until the new house is ready.
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